About Us NOMAC Türkiye
Founded in 2012, NOMAC Türkiye “NOMAC Enerji Üretim İşletme ve Bakım Hizmetleri Limted Şirketi”, provides high quality Operation & Maintenance (O&M) services for production of Electricity in Türkiye in the name of Acwa Güç who is the License owner of Kırıkkale CCGT.
NOMAC International (NOMAC Ltd.) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Acwa Power.
NOMAC Türkiye (NOMAC Enerji Üretim İşletme ve Bakım Hizmetleri Limted Şirketi) is a wholly owned subsidiary of NOMAC Ltd./Dubai-UAE.
The Kırıkkale CCGT, which is asset of KIPP will be ACWA Power’s first foray into merchant market. The plant is located near the city of Kırıkkale, 50 Km east of Ankara and was constructed under a turnkey project financeable EPC contract. O&M will be provided by a new subsidiary of NOMAC, NOMAC Türkiye, under a lump-sum bankable O&M contract with support from ACWA Power.